Screen Printing
Inconsistencies can occur in registration and ink coverage when printing near or over the collar, seams, or any other edges. These are considered acceptable goods and will not be reprinted.
Our clients can choose any of the colors from our House Color List at no additional charge. Custom pantones that are not on the house color list will be billed at current rates. Color and pantone matching on textiles is not exact or guaranteed although we typically are able to print colors very close, if not perfectly matched. There may be a reasonable variation in color due to a number of factors. Colors on a mockup may not be completely representative of the actual printed color due to the variations of monitors and/or printers. Use of a current Pantone book is the best way to accurately communicate color preferences. If you are interested in a pantone book they are available online.
Inconsistencies may occur in registration and ink coverage when printing over the zipper, pockets or any other uneven surface. These will be considered acceptable and not be allowed for reprint.